November was the beginning of the Victorian run of World Cups Shows. We started the month though at Whittlesea Ag Show which is my favourite of the agricultural shows. It is a lovely country show which always has great ground and fantastic gear and courses built by David Sheppard and this year was no exception. On Saturday Cavalli Park Annibell placed 4th in the 1.25m and on Sunday Animate placed 3rd in the Grand Prix with just one time fault keeping him out of the jump off. Our working pupil Beck also had a great weekend placing 6th, in Flowervale Matty’s first C&D grade competition.
We then moved into Shepparton for the NVSJC’s World Cup Show. All the horses jumped well and again it was a lovely show with fantastic grounds and courses. Animate was the star of the show for us though jumping two picture perfect clear rounds to place 3rd in the World Cup on Sunday. We were very pleased for student Natasha Dickson also who won two of the Junior Classes.
The following week we took Animate into the Melbourne Show Grounds for the World Cup at Equitana. This was a fantastic event and we thouroughly enjoyed our time at Equitana. The trade stands were amazing and provided a great chance for us to catch up with our sponsors Peter and Sharon of Prydes EasiFeed, David from Amerigo and Lyn from Saddle-Up. They all had fantastic stands Prydes with all their feed samples and Saddle-Up had joined with Amerigo and they had so many saddles on display along with the lovely made to measure Tucci long boots. Unfortunately it wasn’t Animate’ s best performance having a few rails down in the first round but it was a great experience competing in front of such a great crowd and atmosphere.
Thank goodness for Sale they finally managed to avoid torrential rail falls like they have had over the past few years and put on a fantastic show with beautiful weather! Cavalli Park Annibell placed 6th in the 1.20m and Cavalli Park Amigo (both by Animate) placed 6th in the 1.10m. McMillan jumped super all weekend not having a rail down. We were also very pleased with the Faltango who jumped really well with the spooky gear in ring two to produce a few great rounds.